Facing Genocide in its Aftermath. The Performing Arts and Memorialization.

28.06.2019 12:30 - 07.06.2019 16:30

An End-of-Semester Symposium

Friday, June 28: 12:30-4:30pm
Hörsaal 2H510 UZA II Rotunde

This symposium presents research in theatre and performance historiography related to the representation of genocide, specifically the Holocaust, in the 21st century, and its cultural memorialization through the performing and visual arts. Our presenters draw on existing archival collections, while adopting source material and methods from interdisciplinary and theoretical discourses to explore the gaps in the historical record, demonstrating different modes for scholarly research, while suggesting the “embodiment” and “emplacement” of genocide in our historically-based research, as well as in public remembrance. We explore the performance of cultural activities under duress, the spatialization of witnessing atrocity, and ways that our historical and cultural memory not only marks the landscape around us, but creates a meaningful legacy for our present times.

Institut für Theater-, Film und Medienwissenschaft, UZA II-Rotunde, Raum 2H 510 (5. Stock), Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien

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