Maske und Kothurn

International contributions to theater, film and media studies

Founded in 1955 as the "Vierteljahresschrift für Theaterwissenschaft" (Quarterly Journal for Theater Studies), Maske und Kothurn has substantially expanded its subject area in recent years. The research into history of theater  is increasingly turning towards an intermedia perspective, as it can be seen in artistic works today.

The examination of creative practices and the conditions under which they flourish defines the work of the editorial staff of Maske und Kothurn. The authors explore media whose aesthetic potential was initially denied, investigate interferences of artistic forms of expression and develop new approaches in a dialogue between the disciplines.

Maske und Kothurn explores the status of performing arts and media at the beginning of the 21st century. Art is no longer seen as a mere means of aesthetic expression, but as a genuine form of knowledge.




Editorial Staff:

Wolfgang Greisenegger, Klemens Gruber, Brigitte Marschall, Monika Meister, Christian Schulte und Andrea Seier  


Angelika Beckmann


Redaktion Maske und Kothurn
UZA II – Rotunde
Althanstr. 14
A–1090 Wien

Subscription (in German)