Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium #11

29.11.2019 10:30 - 11:30

Vortrag abgesagt!

Der angekündigte Vortrag von Jo Littler entfällt aufgrund des Streiks der UK University Union (UCU), der vom 25.11. bis 04.12. anberaumt ist und mitunter wegen Pensionskürzungen und aktuellen Arbeitsbedingungen stattfindet. Wir bemühen uns um einen Ersatztermin.

Prof. Dr. Jo Littler (City University of London)
„From Shame to Subversion: Neoliberal Meritocracy and the Rebirth of Left Feminism“


Im Rahmen von: „Shame – Shaming – Shamelessness“. Internationale Konferenz der Forschungsplattform „Gender and Agency“

This paper considers several manifestations of what it identifies as a resurgent left feminism in the contemporary global north. These include the actions of US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the manifesto Feminism for the 99%, a range of left media commentators in the UK, and the Global Women's Strike. It argues that one key ideological structure attempting to shape femininities, and to a significant extent feminism, over the past few decades has been that of neoliberal meritocracy. Within this discourse, women are expected to 'absorb and conquer' social shame and to compete ruthlessly with each other in order to attempt to rise to the 'top' of the social pile. By contrast, it argues, a new embryonic left feminism refuses this vertical structure of shame, instead occupying and generating an energising horizontal shamelessness.

Jo Littler is Professor at the Department of Sociology, a Director of the new Gender and Sexualities Research Centre at City, and has taught in higher education for over twenty years. Her research on culture, society, in/equality and power is wide-ranging, including work on meritocracy, neoliberal narratives, consumerism, social reproduction and cultural politics.


Diese Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation des MKW am TFM mit der Forschungsplattform Gender and Agency.


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